Tag: Stranger Things

  • Stranger Things – Season 3 (2019) – “Turned Up To…Eleven” (Spoilers)

    From the Cold (War) opener, to the tantalizing ending scenes that leave us wanting for next season already, I can honestly say—while not being the best season, that laurel still belongs to the first one—that this is my favorite season of the show, to date.

    I will always listen to that theme, never skip the title drop at the beginning. It’s a classic, at this point—something everyone and their brother knows and can hum along to, even if they’re not avid viewers of the show.


  • Stranger Things – Season Two Review

    Follow @theREELevankern No television premiere has had me this excited. Ever. The return of Stranger Things on Netflix has been all anyone’s talked about for the last six months, and […]

  • Stranger Things: Season One – Review

    Follow @theREELevankern When I start talking to the TV, that’s how I can tell I’m invested in a show. It happened with the masterpiece that has been Daredevil, and it […]